Mango sticky rice - Quick Hack Recipe

“Pies aren’t just for the holidays” pumpkin pie
Everyday delicious gluten-free Pumpkin pie

Instapot Fruity, Nutty, Sweet Vanilla Tapioca Pudding
Vanilla tapioca pudding with almonds, cherries, and cranberries. Dairy-free, gluten-free, and refined sugar-free.

Instapot Ube / Taro coconut Tapioca dessert - 芋頭椰汁西米露
Black Sesame Almond cookies

Butternut Maple Sweet Potato Pie

Cranberry Apple Crumble

Instapot Simple Sweet Adzuki Bean Paste - IP音速鍋超簡紅豆沙

Simple blueberry compote with liquor - 藍莓酒蜜餞

Instapot Tapioca/Sago Dessert with Mung Bean

Simple Rhubarb Almond tart

Toasted Coconut Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding - 椰香巧克力嘉布丁

Baked Mochi Rice Cakes with red(adzuki) beans - 脆皮紅豆年糕

Cherry Mascarpone cheesecake

Chocolate chip cookies - 健康營養的杏仁巧克力餅乾