My “Everything but the Steak” Chimichurri sauce
My “everything-but-the-steak” chimichurri sauce to top anything and everything from eggs, fish, meat, and salads!

Simple Mole Sauce
My “everything-but-the-steak” chimichurri sauce to top anything and everything from eggs, fish, meat, and salads!

Simple Feta Beet salad

Instapot Simple Sweet Adzuki Bean Paste - IP音速鍋超簡紅豆沙

Snowy Mustard Greens with Tofu and Edamame - 雪菜毛豆炒豆乾

Roasted Balsamic brussels sprouts - 香醋慢烤球芽甘藍

Homemade Vegan Green bean casserole

Simple Four Step Green bean casserole
Egg scramble with greens
Marinated Cherry Tomatoes
Salt Pickled Cucumbers
Simple, easy, healthy way to prepare cucumber.