My “Everything but the Steak” Chimichurri sauce
My “everything-but-the-steak” chimichurri sauce to top anything and everything from eggs, fish, meat, and salads!

Simple Feta Beet salad

Summer Salad with Mung Bean Jelly (凉粉, 청포묵무침)

Toasted Coconut Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding - 椰香巧克力嘉布丁

Annie’s Extra Healthy Avocado Toast - 最有人氣的健康鱷梨吐司

Basil Hummus - 羅勒鷹嘴豆泥
Egg scramble with greens
Marinated Cherry Tomatoes
Salt Pickled Cucumbers
Simple, easy, healthy way to prepare cucumber.