Annie’s Extra Healthy Avocado Toast - 最有人氣的健康鱷梨吐司
Original version (Vegan)
Avocado toast
Prep time: 5 minute
Serves: 2 servings
4 slices of GF Bread, toasted
2 ripe avocados
1 tbsp of dulse flakes
1 tbsp of ground flaxseed
Everything but the bagel seasoning for topping
Directions :
Add the avocados, dulse, and flaxseed into a bowl.
Smash the avocados with a spoon and mix everything together.
Spread over toasted bread, top with everything bagel seasoning and enjoy!
Updated version (Pescatarian)
Salmon Avocado toast
Prep time: 5 minute
Serves: 2 servings
4 slices of GF Bread, toasted
1 ripe avocado
1 tbsp of dulse flakes
1 can of canned wild salmon (or skipjack tuna)
Everything but the bagel seasoning for topping
Directions :
Add the avocado, dulse, and salmon into a bowl.
Smash the avocado with a spoon and mix everything together.
Spread over toasted bread, top with everything bagel seasoning and enjoy!
Cooking Tip:
For gluten-free breads (that taste like bread, because there are definitely certain brands I would not ever use), my go-tos are Canyon Bakehouse 7-grain, as well as Three Bakers. Both can often be found in the frozen section of your local grocer, but you can also purchase them online. Note that these breads are not vegan, for VGF there’s Food for Life and BFree, but I’ve not yet tried either of these myself.
For salmon and tuna, and especially tuna, I use Safe Catch since they test the mercury level of each fish. However, I haven’t found a brand that tests for dioxins and am still on the lookout.
Stay healthy with Annie:
Okay, despite the silly name, this is the cumulation of years of iterations from someone who’s eaten avocados almost her entire life (my family owns an avocado farm in California), and the nutritional profile really does set this simple avocado toast recipe apart.
This breakfast is one of my go-tos when I’m short on time and need the brain power and energy for the day ahead. One of my healthy eating philosophies is trying to get the majority of vitamins and minerals directly from food sources, so mixing in healthy doses of nutrient-dense foods is important for me to keep a balanced diet.
For those of you (like myself) who swapped out processed iodized salt for sea salt, dulse, a red sea vegetable, is a great healthy source of iodine that can easily be incorporated into food as a salt substitute/flavor enhancer. Living on the East coast, it’s easy to buy them online and mine comes from from the NE coast of Canada. One gram of dulse will provide you your whole day’s worth of iodine. And iodine deficiency, as with many vitamin deficiencies, can lead to adverse health implications, so make sure if you’re primarily using natural sea salt that you get our iodine from somewhere.
I often swap between salmon, skipjack tuna, sardines, and anchovy on my avocado toast. (The latter two I top the toast with, instead of mixing them in.) This gives me a chance to mix up the nutrition profiles of these foods, and lower the risk of consuming cumulative amounts of dioxins in the same fish. Over my past few years of digging into scientific literature and food - my current philosophy is that there is pro/con with every food, and like most things in life - it’s all about striking that balance.
Nutritious and Delicious:
Both of these recipes provide a great mix of B vitamins to keep the brain sharp, folate to keep your energy level high, plenty of anti-oxidents, vitamins and minerals, and a good dose of carbs, fats, and proteins.
The updated recipe in particular provides your daily punch of B12. This makes it my go-to in the morning because well, I like to keep my brain functioning throughout the day! For vegans, a great food based source of B12 is broken-cell chlorella. I love both the taste of it (I like seaweed and algae), and the fact that it a natural food source with such a a powerful boost of B12 and D.